Monday, January 20, 2014

Crowns Out Of The Closet

CROWNS OUT OF THE CLOSET             by Corona, 1990

My Granny hung out in her closet, some say that her marbles were gone
I'll never forget what she gave me, her beautiful  spirit lives on

She lived in a funky old mansion with towers that reached to the sky
And she left me that beautiful mansion the night of the day that she died

In the north tower was granny's closet and up there an old cedar chest
My heart flew when I found inside it my grandmother's magical best

On top was an old quilted bedspread and a beautiful blue dressing gown
A song started singing in my head so I reached in and dug deeper down

There was satin and paisley and velvet, silk ties and some lavendar lace
And the pattern in an Indian blanket suggested my grandmother's face

She said with her voice light as feathers and eyes that would never be dead
Girl, get your magic together and wear it on top of your head

I can't stand to see magic dying so I sat at my Singer machine
And out of my heart came flying hats like you never have seen

I sewed on some beads of bright colors, those crowns threw a curious light
Far unlike one another because all colors together make white

Real magic's not for the keeping that's what my dear granny would say
One day while my coin purse was sleeping I got them and gave them away

And a crown is round like a circle and circles do not ever end
And I love all the colorful people because my grandmother's living in them

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